Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Green Without Envy

 I'm Sweating to Death.
I wonder if that's possible?
Maybe not.
It's 30 degrees & it's past 10 pm.
Perhaps I should suck on some ice.

I'm writing in short sentences because that's all I can do right now.
Look above.
Yes, that's right. It's Not Me.
This morning, I walked out of my apartment building & this person was walking in front of me.
I rejoiced.
I quickly & quietly took out my camera.
And took only one shot.
Luckily, I wasn't suffering from Hand Shake.
Not that I normally do.

 Here's the front of me.
I may not look like I'm sweating, but trust me I am.
Little rivulets of sweat are running down my back.
My toes squish together in plastic golden sandals from 'Target'.

Finally I had my hair cut.
It had been six months between hair cuts.
I just couldn't be bothered going to the hairdresser.
Of course I was informed that I was a mass of Split Ends.

In case you wondered, the masses of pearls & Toy Gold are not choking me.

 Can you detect a Theme Emerging?
Yes, it's the Colour Green.
I'm Green Without Envy.
Again, I'm not choking on the masses of this time Plastic Green Necklaces.

 Here are my Squishy toes.
I had them painted green.
I always insist they give me three coats.
That way the polish lasts longer.
That's my Little Tip.

Here's me straight after I went for the Six Monthly Haircut.
The hairdresser got out the GHD Straightener.
I think that's what it's called.

I must must stop before I Spontaneously Combust.


Rebecca said...

I like you "straight". The necklaces are really attractive (but I'd think they'd add to your sweat-ness a bit...).

I HATE to sweat, but right now in our frigid temperatures and snowbound situations, it sounds a tad attractive! (NEVER thought I'd say that.)

janavi said...

Freeeezing here too with snow & sleet.
Like the green theme.
I prefer the less straight hair.

Anonymous said...

HI -

Ditto on the cold. Also v. gray and dreary here in England. Oh never mind.

Take lots of cool baths and showers, that's all I can say.

Darla said...

I really like the green dress. You look pretty spiffy, maybe you are standing in front of the A/C.

Spring is just around the corner here by the Bay.
