Monday, November 30, 2009

Leg O'Mutton & Poached Eggs

One of the Great Benefits of having a daily photograph taken of One's Outfits is that you can clearly see where you went wrong.
And we're all desperate to know that aren't we?
You don't have to look v. hard to see Today's Mistakes in the photo above. Let me walk you through them in a series of Numbered Points.
1. Bad Bra. I must stop wearing cheap little sports bras that merely push your tits together tightly without Pushing Them Up, creating the appearance of a couple of poached eggs. With the high waisted skirt & the huge flower, it looks like they're hanging around my waist.
2. Leg O' Mutton sleeves. I'm not quite sure if this is a universal term or one that is peculiar to Australia. These sleeves were popular during Edwardian times so perhaps they are also known as Edwardian sleeves. Or maybe Edwardian Shoulders.
Let's not get too Obsessively Technical.
Oh dear! I'm getting distracted. It's after 9pm & a man who's been sitting in the bus shelter across the road since mid-afternoon is now loudly shouting 'F...Off' over & over.
I know how he feels. But I must get back to My Outfit.
Now I can't think of Another Point. And I was desperate to make at least three if not four Numbered Points.
Perhaps you can think of one.


Darla said...

I like black and white and you are wearing that combo a lot lately it seems to me. Those are great leggings - or maybe they are called footless tights.


Kasmira said...

Personally, I like the mutton sleeves on you! Very hip. :)

As far as the boobs, I have an unusually long vertical stretch between my shoulders and my breasts, so they always look low, no matter the bra. You might have the same issue.