Saturday, March 15, 2008

'Beatniks & Bohemians'- The Holy Grail of Thrift Shops

Beatniks & Bohemians
Originally uploaded by middleagedteacher
This is the Holy Grail of thrift shops for me. It's part of the Wayside Chapel in Sydney which looks after the homeless , drug addicts, & people with psychiatric challenges. There's always plenty of the above in the shop as well as stylish locals like the wonderful polka dot wearer in the photo & an interesting array of local identities. The great scourge of the place is the brigade of dealers who swoop into the cramped shop, emptying the racks of all the good stuff, haggling over the already incredibly reasonable prices & pretending they're buying for 'their granddaughter/friend/girlfriend". Then they sell the stuff for really hefty prices.
Gabe, the main lady who seems to run the place, has a knack for spotting the dealers & often removes the good stock just before they have a chance to get their grubby hands on it. Or else, she hikes the prices up just for them. Bravo, I say! All the more for Me!
Just about everything I wear (including shoes) is from this magical place. It's like a Bottomless Pit of Cast-Off Treasures.

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