Monday, March 10, 2008

Rediscovering Shape

Can't stop having photos taken of me & this belt. It's all part of me trying to be 'out & proud' of my middleaged figure. 
Talking of figures, Trinny & Susannah, the originators of 'What Not to Wear' have been touring shopping centres in Sydney. You could only see them if you won a ticket & since I never win anything so didn't bother entering, I didn't get to see them.  I've always been a sucker for really posh English Sloany accents & I'm absolutely gobsmacked by their supreme self-confidence & belief in their own judgements. Trinny looks like an incredibly stylish stick insect & Susannah, has a slightly hefty-horsy look. They've recently done a survey of women's bodies & come up with maybe a dozen body 'types' - apple, pear, column, cornet, brick, cement block, bowling ball & lettuce were some that I remembered. I spent hours (maybe 5 minutes but it felt longer) pouring over the descriptions of each 'type' but couldn't for the life of me settle on one that best described me. The closest was  'brick', but you had to have big calves, which I don't have, to really qualify. 
I'm not quite sure what the point of all this is - maybe once you know you're say, a cornet, you can start dressing like one. What fun!
Meanwhile, I'll continue to Have Fun With Belts.

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