Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Ancient Gucci Logo & Blog Awards

gucci logo
Originally uploaded by middleagedteacher
I just love this huge logo, that sits like a large Magic Medal in the middle of the 'Hysteria' bag that I so desperately desired.

On another topic, was ssooooo thrilled to be given an Honest blog award by Jane from workthat wardrobe & also an award from la belette rouge.
I've spent hours this evening trawling through endless blogs trying to find fourteen blogs that I will give my awards to. So far I've come up with ten. Four to go. Can't believe how many great blogs there are out there. Why would you bother buying magazines?
Thank you so much belette & Jane.


Darla said...

Ok, that metal logo button is nice. The bag is still too big tho. I'd fill it up. Maybe you'd have more restraint.


La Belette Rouge said...

Congrats on the Honest Blog Award!! You deserve it!! And, I look forward to see who you will spread the love with.