Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
Is the Word 'Whinge' a Universal Term, I wonder?

My daughter, Billie-Mae & I went to the Degas Blockbuster Exhibition at the Australian National Gallery in Canberra. I'm now going to have a Slight Whinge about Art Blockbusters Aussie-Style. But maybe I should say, 'Whine,' as I'm not sure if 'Whinge' is part of the Universal English Vocabulary.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
E verything is Coming to Me Easily & Effortlessly
I've always suffered from Boundless Resentment.
Saturday, December 20, 2008

Friday, December 19, 2008
A Revolting Medieval Nightmare

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Last Year's Xmas Tableau Was a Doozey
Of course, this years effort is a bit tame by comparison.
But as I always say to my students, & they love it, 'Compare & Despair'!

Every year around the end of October, I begin to get more than usually nervous whenever I enter a Mall. The reason is simple- I'm looking for Signs of Impending Christmas.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Transforming the Mundane into Magic

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Friday, December 12, 2008

Trotting, Not Trudging

All That's Missing is a Wand

Tuesday, December 9, 2008
The Middleagedteacher Project

Tonight I watched an episode of 'The Rachel Zoe Project' on Pay TV. It's not the first time I've watched it. In fact, I might go as far as to say that I'm now Officially Following the Show, although I don't seem to be able to watch it all the way through.
Will Anyone Follow Me Home in My Safe Shoes?

Saturday, December 6, 2008
I Love Shamelessly Copying Other People's Style 2.
I now realise that my version is tame. Her's was kind of anarchic. Which is why I liked it.
There is clearly Nothing Anarchic About My Version. It is neat. Well-ordered. Arranged. Just like the Rest of My Life could be, but isn't.
Mastery Through Wardrobe.
I've threaded a pearl & diamante pin through one of the Faux Chanel C's in my long-stranded necklace.
It may be Tame, but I don't think it's Lame.
I Love Shamelessly Copying Other People's Style
And I never celebrate anniversaries.
But this month marks the First Anniversary of Me being a contributor to flickr's Wardrobe Remix.
So I've decided that I'm going to uncharacteristically celebrate it by running a Small Festival of Wardrobe Remix on my blog.
I want to run you through some of my wardrobe highlights as well as show you people & outfits that have inspired me over the past year. Would we say this is Rampant Narcissism, or perhaps a Futile Attempt to Keep The Passage of Time at Bay? Or is is Just a Massive Distraction to Stop Thinking About the Big Issues of Life?
I'd say, All of the Above.
But who cares?
First cab off the rank is this fantastic Pearl Diamante Extravanganza which is from fellow Aussie Remixer, Atriuum. Although She is old enough to be my daughter which means that I can't just blatantly copy her Young Look, I do like to take parts of it that will translate into Middleagedteacher style.
You can see my version in my next installment.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
This is a Great Message, If Only You Can Read It.

I'm really showing off my wonderful matching pendant & hoop earrings that were inside the 'Forever21' parcel that my friend Marge sent me that I went on & on about in the last posting.
I think that I can confidently say that I'm Officially Matching.
Oh, & Completely Thrifted.
Evolved to a Higher Level of Shopping
Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Monday, December 1, 2008
I'm So Glad That I'm No Longer a Bright Young Thing

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Mad With Fame

Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Betty Bacon Goes to A Party

But I just thought that you might like to know that I've been Slightly Sick. Maybe a v. mild virus, with a hint of Existential Ennui thrown in.
But I've got such a lot to Bang on About that I Must Post Now.
The pictures above are from a House Leaving Party that I attended on saturday evening. The House that is About to be Left to a shiny new owner is a Serious Sydney House. That means that it has Views. The particular view that this house has is The Pacific Ocean which is fab, but not quite as fab as having Harbour views. I've been to a party at this house before, so I was thrilled to be invited to another one.
It's always a little awkward to go to a party alone. I walked up to the front door clutching a v. reasonably priced bottle of Merlot, found it was open & walked in. And There I Am! An unknown person is standing in the hallway & I say hi. They grunt & then I walk into the huge living room with the pool & the Ocean all laid out in front of me & look for any familiar faces.
I spot the Hostess who looks glamourous in a Long Halter-Neck Sheath even though it feels like Late Autumn again when it's Almost Summer. I am dressed Autumnally in a Thrifted wool-like substance coatdress. I'm Nothing if Not Appropriately Dressed for the Weather Regardless of Season.
Then I spy an Dear Old Friend who's chatting to Barbara & Joan, a couple of his friends that I like & would like to get to know better. It's a great thing when you go to a party alone & then you suddenly see your friends. It's like arriving at a Safe Harbour.
I was so relieved & excited to see them that of course I immediately began Oversharing. I started to tell in great detail The Story of My Dumping. Every little Twist & Turn including important background information about our relationship going back many years. A Complete Stranger came up & joined the group, but that didn't stop me. I just kept going. I would like to tell you that after a while a small crowd gathered around me, hanging on my every word, & urging me to go on in even more gruesome detail.
Sadly, that didn't happen. Instead, the host's black cocker spaniel, who is deaf & blind, knocked into Joan & started pathetically whining. Immediately all the attention went to the dog. I was crushed.

But I managed to bring the spotlight back to me by loudly bragging to anyone who'd listen that all my clothes are thrifted. That's always a great Conversation Starter, I find. Barbara revealed that her wonderful 'Prada' bag, pictured above, was also thrifted. I just knew that we had something in common!
Vive La Thrifte!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Home Decorating Update